Who are Springfields?


 We’re celebrating our 50th year anniversary this year and we’re proud to say we are still run by the same family!

‘Grandad’ Bullock set up Springfields as an Army Surplus shop in 1973, later being joined by his sons Tony and Mark. Anthony and Mark expanded our offering to include camping, shooting, fields sports and everything in between! 

In 2013 Tony’s son joined the family business. Luke noticed a lot of our customers we’re buying one ‘military’ MoraKniv and thus started our evolution into a Bushcraft, Outdoor Education and Field Sports provider.  From that one knife, we know have 500 sq meters of warehouse full to the brim with everything from Axes to Archery bows, Tinder Kits to Tents!

In 2015 Anthony retired and Lukes wife, Chrissy joined us. Together Luke and Chrissy now run Springfields whilst also looking after their children and dog Ted their loyal office companion.



'Grandad' Bullock outside our premises in 1984
Tony in 1988 making the local news with our practice bomb
Mail Order Catalog from 1992
Tony and Mark with the Springfields sponsored Robot Wars S3 Team
Our Websites in 2004
Our shop circa 1997
Our shop in 2019