Clearance Sale On Now

Is It In Stock?

Generally, Yes! We stock 90% of our items right here in our Staffordshire warehouse! For the items we don't, they're still in stock but the stock levels are sent to us by our trade partners who are also based in the UK and deliver directly to us in Staffordshire twice a week! 


We receive stock notifications once per hour (or more) from the following brands: 


The idea was started during covid, when getting stock became really hard. We decided to build a system that could take stock levels from suppliers and allow our customers to order things as soon as they became avaliable. It also has the added benefit of allowing us to sell items if we run out here. For instance. if we have 6 dutch ovens from Petromax on our shelves but a scout group wants 10 then by allowing customers to see that there are actually 26 avaliable in total they can order them without taking all of the stock that is currently in our warehouse. 

For popular items that have a leadtime showing, there is usually some spare stock in our warehouse anyway, but we don't want to overpromise and let you down!

On these items you will see a leadtime displayed as per the Cold Steel Counter Tac boot knife

Other items like the Mora Companion below, will simply say 'In Stock', which means they're sat waiting in the warehouse for someone to buy them

If the supplier runs out or we sell the last one, the stock levels are automatically changed within a couple of minutes and the item is removed from our site. Usually items from trade partners  arrive with us well before the 4 working day leadtime. The vast majority of items are here in our warehouse ready to be shipped the same day.